Wednesday, July 27, 2011

2 days out...SURROUNDED by reminders :)

I am 2 days out from my very first national level competition! This is the show that I have been prepping for since January of this year. In between then and now, I have competed in 3 local shows and have achieved my goal of getting better and better with each show. While the local shows are important, the USA is the show that means the most to me. I have given my best to prepare. Each meal, every workout, every posing session had 100% of my effort! It's so amazing that in these last few days of preparation, while some are stressed and tense, I find myself surrounded by reminders of God's faithfulness through this journey! I can't help but smile, laugh and just enjoy this time as I think back on all the amazing things that God has done.

I was literally on the treadmill yesterday doing my hike interval, when I glanced in the mirror and an overwhelming feeling of gratitude fell on me! The shoes I was wearing were donated to me by a company who thought I could represent their brand well. The tank I was wearing was given to me by an amazing fitness apparel line who believed in me and what I was striving for. Seeing these things in the mirror caused me to run through all of the amazing opportunities God brought this year. I am blessed to be a Team HMB Athlete and represent their unique ingredient. I am proud to be a part of P28 bread and love that they believe in me enough to allow me to represent their brand! I am so thankful to be a Top Secret Nutrition Athlete and use their amazing products with my show prep...and the list goes on. God has proven Himself faithful time and time again.

I know that this weekend, when I compete at the USA's, God is going to be there with me. While I am coming to compete, have trained like a champion and want to win, I know that there is so much more that this weekend holds! It's about the opportunity to connect with other women, competitors and just people in general and share the amazing love of Jesus. I don't have a "mini-message" prepared, no fire and brimstone speech, just a heart to be a servant :) Sometimes, the most effective witness is what you show in your everyday interactions. I am praying for opportunities to show others that they are loved, valued and respected...and I am so excited to see what God is going to do on and off the stage.

Countdown is on...

In Health,


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