Summer is upon us!!!! It's that time of year you yearn for ice cream, apple pies, BBQ's and the beach! So how can you possibly stay fit when you are surrounded by all of these amazing Summer snacks? Stay in control of your weight and your appetite with these safe summer bites...
If you are craving an ice cream sundae, try these...
Frozen Cloud Sandwiches (makes 4)
What you need: 8 reduced fat cinnamon grahams crackers, 1 tub of Cool Whip, 1 sliced banana
Putting it together: Take 1 graham cracker and top with 2 Tbsp of Cool Whip. Place 2 or 3 banana slices on top of the Cool Whip and let them sink in a little. Take the second graham cracker and place it on top of the bananas/Cool Whip to make a little sandwich. Repeat process using the rest of the graham crackers, Cool Whip and banana slices. Wrap all the sandwiches individually in plastic wrap and put them in the freezer for 2 hours. Take a sandwich out whenever you are needing an ice cream fix!
Need something refreshing but not full of refined sugar? Try this...
Watermelon Meltdown
What you need: 1 small watermelon, chili powder, 3 or 4 limes
Putting it together: Cut the small watermelon into 2 or 3 bite chunks. Put all the chunks in a large bowl or plastic container. Sprinkle chili powder over the watermelon (remember more powder, more spicy PUNCH to your snack). Juice your limes, then pour the lime juice over the watermelon chunks! Stir slightly, chill for a few minutes if you want, then ENJOY!
Other quick fix handy dandy snacks to go...
Red Bell Pepper Slices and Celery Sticks with Hummus: Chop up your bell pepper and celery, then throw the slices in a plastic bag. Bring your favorite tub of Hummus and enjoy with the veggie sticks for a perfect beach day snack!
Quick Chicken and Cucumber Salad: Get 1 chicken breast, 1 celery stalk, 1 Persian cucumber, and however much red onion you like! Dice all ingredients and put in a plastic container. Add fresh cilantro, Juice of 1/2 a lemon, and 2 tsp of balsamic vinegar. Top it off with a little garlic powder, pepper and sea salt. Shake everything together for a refreshing afternoon snack!
Hopefully these easy recipes help you in your quest for that Summer ready body :) With fresh ingredients and little creativity we can all make it through the Summer cravings and stay fit!
In Health,
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oooOOoooo the watermelon chilli pepper lime thing sounds interesting...I would never think to put all that stuff together! Thanks J!:)