Wednesday, November 28, 2012

6 months after birth

I am so thankful.
One year ago, on Thanksgiving, my husband and I shared the news that I was pregnant with our first child. I had no idea what was in store for me or my body LOL but I made a goal to compete again by the time my son was 6 months old. I didn’t know what pregnancy would feel like or how recovery was going to go BUT I knew that I needed to make the decision to just do it!

If you have been following my pregnancy and after birth journey, you know the challenges that I faced. Each part of the journey brought different feelings and struggles. With the help of my amazing husband and supportive family, I overcame one challenge at a time! The latest challenge was getting my post-preggo body back to show shape. I was fortunate to be able to exercise during my entire pregnancy and went back to working out around 5 weeks after my son was born. I struggled trying to breastfeed and find the right balance of intensity during my workouts for about 3 months, then was unable to continue breastfeeding. Two months ago, we incorporated formula into the mix and I found that I was able to up the intensity of my workouts once I was no longer breastfeeding. That’s when I started training again, looking toward my goal of competing by the time Josiah was 6 months.

That time is NOW! This Saturday, Dec. 1, I will be going back to the stage. I couldn’t be more excited and proud of myself and that feels so good! Honestly, this show is probably going to be my most memorable show EVER! This show is not about perfection but it is about reaching my personal goal and continuing to be an example to clients, friends, family and my students. I can’t wait to get up there and show that consistency pays off…and that you can have a baby and look like you didn’t have a baby 6 months later hahaha

Seriously, I feel like this show brings my journey full circle. It is also AWESOME that I turn 31 years old the day after my show AND Josiah will be 6 months old that week. I can’t help but smile as I think about my life. Every moment is a gift and I am so thankful.

Pics to come! I want to wait until show day to post them!!! Stay tuned...


  1. Yay! I'm glad you're back on writing mode! Congratulations on your journey and sticking to your goal. Excited to hear about your experience at the competition!

  2. thanks sooo much Bea ;) Thank you for all of your encouragment. Gotta keep working the writing muscle!
